Nonpartisan Policy (rev. May 2021)
The purpose of the League of Women Voters is to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government. The nonpartisanship of LWV is the basis of our public credibility and must be carefully maintained. LWV does not support or oppose any political party or candidate. It is political in that it takes positions on selected governmental issues after member study and agreement.
LWV recognizes the role of the political parties in our form of government and believes that participation in the activities of the political parties is an essential ingredient of citizen responsibility. While LWV encourages its members to be politically active and fully informed about candidates and issues, certain constraints are necessary to maintain the nonpartisanship of the organization.
1. Members holding the following offices are to refrain from political activity or active partisan support during their term of office. These positions include:
presidents(s); voter service chair(s); communication chair(s); action chair(s); moderators for forums, and other Board members who have been
authorized by the full Board to act as a spokesperson by LWV Duluth.
2. Board members and members MAY when involved in NONPARTISAN elective campaigns (e.g. city council, school board, county commissioner, and
county attorney:
(a) Members may hold nonpartisan elective office while serving on the Board of Directors, with approval of the LWV Duluth Board of Directors and in
consultation with LWVMN with the exception of the President or Co-Presidents, the Chairs of Voter Service, Communications and/or the Action
(b) Members may engage in public political actions, as long as these are recognized as their personal actions and do not imply official or unofficial LWV
endorsement with the exception of the president or co-presidents, the chairs of voter service, communications and/or action committees. Examples
include signing political advertisements, posting lawn signs, hosting functions, attending event/fundraiser, etc.
(c) When running for elective office, candidates may mention LWV membership in their campaigns as indicative of community involvement. LWV does
not endorse candidates for office.
(d) Members may serve as appointed members of county, city, state, or national boards or commissions.
(e) Members may serve on the Board while an official candidate for a nonpartisan elective office.
3. If currently serving on the Board, the Board member must take a leave of absence from their position while actively campaigning for office. They may
resume their position after the election.
4. A Board member may not speak publicly or work against a League position.
5. The political activities of a spouse or relative shall be distinct from the activities of the Board member.
6. Board members MAY NOT:
(a) Run for or hold any partisan elective office at any level of government without first resigning from the Board of Directors.
(b) Serve on the LWV Duluth Board of Directors while an officer of a political party or organization.
(c) Serve on the Board of Directors for six months after leaving a partisan elective office.
7. LWV has restrictions on members’ use of lawn signs in their yards as follows:
(a) Members MAY have in their yard: Either an LWV lawn sign promoting voting in their yard OR a partisan sign promoting a candidate with the exception
of the President(s), Chairs of Voter Service, Communications and/or Action Committees.
(b) Members MAY NOT have in their yard: Both an LWV lawn sign AND a partisan sign promoting a candidate.
8. Social Media and other Media:
(a) LWV Duluth members shall not indicate her/his political affiliations or candidate preferences, at any level of government, in the media, including
social networking sites or other public venues that prominently identify them as a member of LWV Duluth.
(b) The LWV Duluth website, Facebook, E-News, Twitter and Voter Newsletter will only accept posts of a NONPARTISAN nature and will be posted by
authorized members who will adhere to the nonpartisan policy.
9. Co-sponsorship and other possible conflicts of interest can present problems of perceived bias, especially, if the other organization is identified with a
particular point of view or endorses candidates.
(a) If LWV’s name is to be included in any materials, it is important League guidelines for nonpartisanship are agreed upon before co-sponsoring. The
Board’s approval is required.
(b) Since nonpartisanship is the foundation of LWV, members are cautioned to use discretion in any political activities that might be considered as
partisan. The object is to prevent either actual or apparent conflict of interest in the eyes of the public. If uncertain, the president(s) should be
consulted; and if further decision making is necessary, the Board should be consulted.
10. Coalitions and Ad Hoc Networks
a) General Guidelines
i. A coalition is a temporary alliance for a specific purpose.
ii. It is best if the LWV serves as a founding member so that LWV principles will be a basis for the structure.
iii. Membership in any coalition must be approved by the Board of Directors and the action chair or committee.
iv. Pay special attention to any potential coalition's funding, decision-making apparatus, nonpartisanship, and communications within and without.
v. It is particularly important to determine that we are not lending the credibility of the LWV to a questionable coalition; at the time of joining a
coalition, a structure for formal withdrawal should be in place.
b) Condition of joining a coalition:
i. LWV reserves the right to withdraw the use of its name if the League does not agree with a proposed statement of action.
c) Loose networking ad hoc arrangements:
i. It is possible for the LWV to take part in ad hoc arrangements with other organizations that allow the League to act for a particular purpose and do
not use the LWV name as an agreeing participant. Delegates to networks do not speak as individuals but only as members of the LWV.
d) Endorsements:
i. No endorsement of the group or its objectives is possible or may be inferred without approval by the appropriate level of LWV.
ii. The decision to take action based on a local position rests with the LWV Duluth board.
iii. The LWVMN is the final authority in action policy that would affect more than one LWV.
e) Functioning within a coalition:
i. The LWV should never join a coalition unless a LWV delegate is in regular attendance at all decision-making meetings of the coalition and
decisions must reflect LWV principles.
ii. A delegate speaks for with the voice of the League when attending meetings and does not speak as an individual.
iii. The delegate must keep the LWV priorities foremost in their mind and be cautious to not oversubscribe the League's resources and/or limits of
iv. Communications within the coalition and with the LWV flows through the delegate.
v. Any spoken or written testimony issued by the coalition must be seen and approved by the LWV president and action chair or committee. Press
conferences are innately dangerous since words can be taken out of context and the press sets the agenda.
f) When to leave a coalition:
i. Evaluate the coalition each time dues are requested and approved by the LWV board, to see if it is time to withdraw. Specifically,
(a) If the specific purpose desired by the LWV has been achieved,
(b) If the coalition is expanding to new issues and achieving an independent identity of its own, or
(c) If the LWV no longer has the time or resources to monitor the coalition by active continued personal participation.
g) Statement of Limitations:
i. Withdrawal from a coalition should always be done in writing and the reasons stated explicitly.
ii. Withdrawal should be done on positive terms to facilitate future communication and cooperation.
iii. State that the coalition is moving beyond the permitted bounds of the LWV participation as determined by our grassroots consensus or that it is
not possible for us to take part in partisan activities or that we cannot afford the resources to continue.
iv. It should never be done as a criticism of the coalition.
v. The same contacts used to announce the LWV taking part in the coalition should be used to announce the withdrawal and reasons for
doing so.
11. Candidate Forums, Empty Chairs and Equal Opportunity to Participate
This policy describes when one candidate in a two-candidate race is unable or unwilling to participate. This policy is based on an updated
understanding of IRS rules regarding 501(c)3 organization’s activities and a careful review of LWV’s mission, values and traditions. It reflects the
changing climate of our political discourse and campaigns and the growing demand from voters for direct access to candidates and substantive
discussion of issues.
a) LWV Minnesota and our local Leagues will invite candidates registered with the Secretary of State for the office in question to participate in our
events and as specified in the LWV Minnesota Candidate Selection Criteria 2016 policy approved January 5, 2016. All candidates will be invited
simultaneously and in the same manner which may include email. If an email address is not available from either the candidate or the Secretary of
State, regular mail may be used for that candidate. Invitations will include this policy.
b) If an invited candidate is unable or decides not to appear at a scheduled event, the event will still be held. This is the case even if only one
candidate appears. Unopposed candidates may appear alone.
c) No substitutes or stand-ins for the candidates will be allowed.
d) The moderator will announce that all candidates were invited to participate. In announcing that a candidate is not participating, the moderator will
present a brief statement that a candidate either did not respond or declined to participate without any editorial comment.
e) The candidate or candidates who attend will have an opportunity to make opening and closing statements and express their positions on issues and
in response to questions submitted by the audience. In an extraordinary circumstance and at the discretion of the local League, a candidate may
submit a written statement to be read by the moderator equal in length to the opening statement of the candidate or candidates present.
f) All media outlets that typically cover LWV events will be notified of this policy in the press releases, media interviews, social media and other
communications prior to the events.
g) LWV events will be conducted in accordance with other event rules as provided to candidates with their invitations.
The purpose of the League of Women Voters is to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government. The nonpartisanship of LWV is the basis of our public credibility and must be carefully maintained. LWV does not support or oppose any political party or candidate. It is political in that it takes positions on selected governmental issues after member study and agreement.
LWV recognizes the role of the political parties in our form of government and believes that participation in the activities of the political parties is an essential ingredient of citizen responsibility. While LWV encourages its members to be politically active and fully informed about candidates and issues, certain constraints are necessary to maintain the nonpartisanship of the organization.
1. Members holding the following offices are to refrain from political activity or active partisan support during their term of office. These positions include:
presidents(s); voter service chair(s); communication chair(s); action chair(s); moderators for forums, and other Board members who have been
authorized by the full Board to act as a spokesperson by LWV Duluth.
2. Board members and members MAY when involved in NONPARTISAN elective campaigns (e.g. city council, school board, county commissioner, and
county attorney:
(a) Members may hold nonpartisan elective office while serving on the Board of Directors, with approval of the LWV Duluth Board of Directors and in
consultation with LWVMN with the exception of the President or Co-Presidents, the Chairs of Voter Service, Communications and/or the Action
(b) Members may engage in public political actions, as long as these are recognized as their personal actions and do not imply official or unofficial LWV
endorsement with the exception of the president or co-presidents, the chairs of voter service, communications and/or action committees. Examples
include signing political advertisements, posting lawn signs, hosting functions, attending event/fundraiser, etc.
(c) When running for elective office, candidates may mention LWV membership in their campaigns as indicative of community involvement. LWV does
not endorse candidates for office.
(d) Members may serve as appointed members of county, city, state, or national boards or commissions.
(e) Members may serve on the Board while an official candidate for a nonpartisan elective office.
3. If currently serving on the Board, the Board member must take a leave of absence from their position while actively campaigning for office. They may
resume their position after the election.
4. A Board member may not speak publicly or work against a League position.
5. The political activities of a spouse or relative shall be distinct from the activities of the Board member.
6. Board members MAY NOT:
(a) Run for or hold any partisan elective office at any level of government without first resigning from the Board of Directors.
(b) Serve on the LWV Duluth Board of Directors while an officer of a political party or organization.
(c) Serve on the Board of Directors for six months after leaving a partisan elective office.
7. LWV has restrictions on members’ use of lawn signs in their yards as follows:
(a) Members MAY have in their yard: Either an LWV lawn sign promoting voting in their yard OR a partisan sign promoting a candidate with the exception
of the President(s), Chairs of Voter Service, Communications and/or Action Committees.
(b) Members MAY NOT have in their yard: Both an LWV lawn sign AND a partisan sign promoting a candidate.
8. Social Media and other Media:
(a) LWV Duluth members shall not indicate her/his political affiliations or candidate preferences, at any level of government, in the media, including
social networking sites or other public venues that prominently identify them as a member of LWV Duluth.
(b) The LWV Duluth website, Facebook, E-News, Twitter and Voter Newsletter will only accept posts of a NONPARTISAN nature and will be posted by
authorized members who will adhere to the nonpartisan policy.
9. Co-sponsorship and other possible conflicts of interest can present problems of perceived bias, especially, if the other organization is identified with a
particular point of view or endorses candidates.
(a) If LWV’s name is to be included in any materials, it is important League guidelines for nonpartisanship are agreed upon before co-sponsoring. The
Board’s approval is required.
(b) Since nonpartisanship is the foundation of LWV, members are cautioned to use discretion in any political activities that might be considered as
partisan. The object is to prevent either actual or apparent conflict of interest in the eyes of the public. If uncertain, the president(s) should be
consulted; and if further decision making is necessary, the Board should be consulted.
10. Coalitions and Ad Hoc Networks
a) General Guidelines
i. A coalition is a temporary alliance for a specific purpose.
ii. It is best if the LWV serves as a founding member so that LWV principles will be a basis for the structure.
iii. Membership in any coalition must be approved by the Board of Directors and the action chair or committee.
iv. Pay special attention to any potential coalition's funding, decision-making apparatus, nonpartisanship, and communications within and without.
v. It is particularly important to determine that we are not lending the credibility of the LWV to a questionable coalition; at the time of joining a
coalition, a structure for formal withdrawal should be in place.
b) Condition of joining a coalition:
i. LWV reserves the right to withdraw the use of its name if the League does not agree with a proposed statement of action.
c) Loose networking ad hoc arrangements:
i. It is possible for the LWV to take part in ad hoc arrangements with other organizations that allow the League to act for a particular purpose and do
not use the LWV name as an agreeing participant. Delegates to networks do not speak as individuals but only as members of the LWV.
d) Endorsements:
i. No endorsement of the group or its objectives is possible or may be inferred without approval by the appropriate level of LWV.
ii. The decision to take action based on a local position rests with the LWV Duluth board.
iii. The LWVMN is the final authority in action policy that would affect more than one LWV.
e) Functioning within a coalition:
i. The LWV should never join a coalition unless a LWV delegate is in regular attendance at all decision-making meetings of the coalition and
decisions must reflect LWV principles.
ii. A delegate speaks for with the voice of the League when attending meetings and does not speak as an individual.
iii. The delegate must keep the LWV priorities foremost in their mind and be cautious to not oversubscribe the League's resources and/or limits of
iv. Communications within the coalition and with the LWV flows through the delegate.
v. Any spoken or written testimony issued by the coalition must be seen and approved by the LWV president and action chair or committee. Press
conferences are innately dangerous since words can be taken out of context and the press sets the agenda.
f) When to leave a coalition:
i. Evaluate the coalition each time dues are requested and approved by the LWV board, to see if it is time to withdraw. Specifically,
(a) If the specific purpose desired by the LWV has been achieved,
(b) If the coalition is expanding to new issues and achieving an independent identity of its own, or
(c) If the LWV no longer has the time or resources to monitor the coalition by active continued personal participation.
g) Statement of Limitations:
i. Withdrawal from a coalition should always be done in writing and the reasons stated explicitly.
ii. Withdrawal should be done on positive terms to facilitate future communication and cooperation.
iii. State that the coalition is moving beyond the permitted bounds of the LWV participation as determined by our grassroots consensus or that it is
not possible for us to take part in partisan activities or that we cannot afford the resources to continue.
iv. It should never be done as a criticism of the coalition.
v. The same contacts used to announce the LWV taking part in the coalition should be used to announce the withdrawal and reasons for
doing so.
11. Candidate Forums, Empty Chairs and Equal Opportunity to Participate
This policy describes when one candidate in a two-candidate race is unable or unwilling to participate. This policy is based on an updated
understanding of IRS rules regarding 501(c)3 organization’s activities and a careful review of LWV’s mission, values and traditions. It reflects the
changing climate of our political discourse and campaigns and the growing demand from voters for direct access to candidates and substantive
discussion of issues.
a) LWV Minnesota and our local Leagues will invite candidates registered with the Secretary of State for the office in question to participate in our
events and as specified in the LWV Minnesota Candidate Selection Criteria 2016 policy approved January 5, 2016. All candidates will be invited
simultaneously and in the same manner which may include email. If an email address is not available from either the candidate or the Secretary of
State, regular mail may be used for that candidate. Invitations will include this policy.
b) If an invited candidate is unable or decides not to appear at a scheduled event, the event will still be held. This is the case even if only one
candidate appears. Unopposed candidates may appear alone.
c) No substitutes or stand-ins for the candidates will be allowed.
d) The moderator will announce that all candidates were invited to participate. In announcing that a candidate is not participating, the moderator will
present a brief statement that a candidate either did not respond or declined to participate without any editorial comment.
e) The candidate or candidates who attend will have an opportunity to make opening and closing statements and express their positions on issues and
in response to questions submitted by the audience. In an extraordinary circumstance and at the discretion of the local League, a candidate may
submit a written statement to be read by the moderator equal in length to the opening statement of the candidate or candidates present.
f) All media outlets that typically cover LWV events will be notified of this policy in the press releases, media interviews, social media and other
communications prior to the events.
g) LWV events will be conducted in accordance with other event rules as provided to candidates with their invitations.