It's Not Easy Being Green!
Join us for an Earth Week Forum sponsored by the League of Women Voters Duluth and the McCabe Chapter of the Izaak Walton League Wednesday, April 20 6:30 - 8:00 pm via Zoom Click here to view the recording of It's Not Easy Being Green! |
Duluth City staff and the Natural Resources Commission have been working on several fronts to protect and plan for the future of Duluth’s public lands. A panel of speakers from the City of Duluth, the Natural Resources Commission, and the Minnesota Land Trust will provide an update on the City’s work with partners to protect public lands, the role of climate resilience and future growth, and the importance of public engagement in the work that lies ahead.
- Diane Desotelle, City of Duluth
- Julie Marinucci, St. Louis County
- Gini Breidenbach, Minnesota Land Trust
- John Lindgren, Duluth Natural Resources Commission
Open to the public
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