Putting Duluth on a Low [Road] Salt Diet:
Balancing safety with protecting our lakes
and streams from salt pollution
Co-sponsored by Izaak Walton League and League of Women Voters of Duluth
Balancing safety with protecting our lakes
and streams from salt pollution
Co-sponsored by Izaak Walton League and League of Women Voters of Duluth
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
6:30 - 8:00 pm Hybrid Venue: In person at Hartley Nature Center 3001 Woodland Avenue (Open to the Public) If you aren’t able to be there in person, join via Zoom at 6:30: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89314293566 |
Guest Speakers from New Hampshire’s Department of Environmental Services, will share their experience with salt applicator certification and liability legislation recently enacted there, followed by a discussion about the status of similar legislation in Minnesota
Aubrey Voelker, Coordinator Salt Reduction and Green SnowPro Programs Ted Diers, Water Division Steve Landry, Watershed Assistance Section |
6:00 Doors open for refreshments, information tabling about IWLA's Salt Watch program, how we can balance safety with practices to protect our lakes and streams, and what you can do to help 6:30 Program begins |
The document below contains more information about the program. It gives answers to Did You Know questions about Road Salt. Learn how YOU can help, and/or get involved!